Systems Software Research Group


SSRG Word Cloud Welcome to the homepage of the Systems Software Research Group in the Bradley Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech. The group's general research area is computer systems, with a focus on concurrency, distributed systems, operating systems, compilers/run-times, real-time systems, and verification. A cross-cutting goal is to understand how to build software systems -- broadly defined -- that are high-performant, secure, reliable, energy-efficient, and real-time. Ongoing projects include systems software for emerging heterogeneous architectures, verification of systems software, secure operating systems, and concurrency control abstractions and algorithms.


Welcome back Prof. Sang-Hoon Kim!

Prof. Sang-Hoon Kim from Ajou University, Korea visits SSRG for AY'24-25. Welcome back Sang-Hoon!

Congratulations Dr. Jang!

Our PhD student Jae-Won Jang who worked on the LLRM project has successfully defended his dissertation. Jae-Won has joined Northrop Grumman. Congratulations and best wishes Dr. Jang!

We are recruiting!

See our recruitment advertisements for various research positions here.

Selected Publications